Ditchling Fair 2024

Well, well. It began as a blustery, rainy day. But being hardy folk (made of tougher stuff) the people of Ditchling did not let that stop them.

Our bi-annual celebration is ‘nod’ to our beautiful village’s 710 years of fine history and heritage – and we never miss an opportunity to raise a glass of something lovely and toast our home.

The theme for 2024 was ‘Rogues, Raves and Razzmatazz’ and everyone was encouraged to dress according to thier interpretation of that spectacular theme. Here’re our highlights from Ditchling Fair 2024.

To the Bar

It was a novelty for our pub landlord Phil to order a pint of beer from one of his usual patrons of The Bull. As you can see, this (plus a couple of lovely Hairy Dog IPAs) put a big smile on his face.

Jack & Jill Race

Traditionally, pairs of racers (dressed up to the nines) dash up the street, fill their bucket at the ‘well’ and race back down the road. The volume of liquid left after the run is measured and then the winners are crowned. An absolute rip-roaring laugh every year for the people of Ditchling.

Egg Toss Game

Pairing up with a nimble fingered friend is key to this activity. Simple game of catch? Yes, but taking one big step back after each successful exchange.

Winners are the pair are those who are brave enough to get the furthest distance away from one another and still successfully throw and catch the egg – without it cracking. It’s fair to say that things got messy!

Music & Dancing

The wonderful fiddle-dee-dee-ing of the Unreel Ceilidh Band kicked off evening festivities.

Based in Sussex, the brilliant band even visit local schools (when they’re not Ditchling Fair-ing)  so there were many a little ‘un joining on with a ‘do-si-do’ and ‘heel-and-toe’ and even a ‘strip the willow’.

The dances were super fun and easy to learn so that young and young-at-heart could join in too.

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